First Birthday Gifts From Grandparents: It is a pleasure to see the happy face of a girl or a boy when they receive a gift. And if it is something that makes you excited, the emotion is even greater. We all want to be right when we have to do a detail, since our greatest satisfaction consists in seeing the little person who receives it happy.
However, in the case of gifts your grandchildren at different ages, getting it right can seem a bit tricky, given the stage of development they are in. That is why in this post we want to give you a cable if you find yourself in this difficult mission.
If you are looking for details for your partner you can check the post on birthday gifts for husband here .
Best First Birthday Gifts From Grandparents 2020
As gifts for grandchildren from grandparents, finding the ideal detail may seem easier at first. Especially if you have any clues about their specific tastes. However, so that you are not so lost, in this post we want to help you discover what kind of gifts can be more striking for these ages.
We have classified the gifts into categories and we propose a few examples of each one, according to the recommended age. Without a doubt, this will surely give you a starting point to select the best option.
Anyway, the more we know about the girl or boy (likes, hobbies, what they need) the easier it will be to get it right. If you are her mother or father, it will be easier for you to know what she likes. If you are a more distant relative or friend, it may be a good idea to ask who knows the little one better.
A type of toy for every age
Psychologists agree on the importance of adapting gifts for the little ones, not only at their age but also at their own level of development . If you are a little “clueless” about which may be the perfect toy for your grandchild , some basic ideas can serve as a guide:
- Babies and little ones up to about a year . If you just became a grandfather, this Christmas is going to be very special, but when it comes to giving, remember that it is a baby and it is still too early for a bicycle (just as disproportionate as giving a 6-year-old a smartphone ). The little ones begin to discover the world and for them, the mobiles that hang over the crib, an arch of activities under which they can lie down and try to reach “those things” of colors that hang, a rug or activity blanket, some soft stuffed animal or a box that emits a calm melody, are good ideas.
- If your grandson is already between one and two years old , you will have seen that he has changed a lot compared to last Christmas. It may be a good time to give him a simple game of matching pieces, with which he will increase the development of fine motor skills (movement – sight). At this age, everything that moves begins to attract their attention: rockers, large cars that can push, a tricycle to suit them …

- Between three and five years of age the range is very wide, because your grandson is already capable of learning and “soaking up” everything that surrounds him. Your preferences matter. You may like “play and read” stories , (toy) musical instruments, or you may love spending hours painting. Puppets, dolls and dolls to make their “stories” full of imagination, puzzles, costumes, simple board games or magic are some suggestions.
- From the age of six to eight or ten , always depending on the tastes and the degree of maturity of each child, it is important to combine indoor games with those involving outdoor activities . If you think the time is right: bicycles (now yes), skateboards, some good sports equipment that includes the ball, racket, rope to jump, basketball net … whatever you want.
- When you are ten or twelve you may like games that involve interacting with other players and allow you to demonstrate your skills, for example with strategy games. You can also find gifts that promote their favorite hobbies (painting, music …). Of course, at these ages it will be difficult to avoid games for computers and consoles . There is nothing wrong with them, as long as the little ones do not spend excessive hours in front of the screen and those appropriate for their age are chosen.
What to Look for When Buying Gifts For Grandchildren
If you are fully in the whirlwind of Christmas shopping, it is important to remember the importance of choosing toys that are not only appropriate for the age of your grandchild, but also absolutely safe .
Community safety regulations (CE acronym). Also, take into account some of the recommendations made by the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU @consumidores )
- Especially in toys for children under three years of age it is important that they do not contain small parts that can loosen you and be swallowed. At these ages, those with long ribbons or cords are not advisable either.
- If a toy has batteries, check that the compartment where they are stored cannot be opened by the little one.
- Check that it has no edges, sharp elements or any protrusion with which a child could hurt himself.
- Confirm that there is no presence of any toxic component (especially in the paint).

Some details that should be reviewed
If you are not sure whether your gift is right, share your idea with your son or daughter (and daughters -in- law – sons- in -law) or even Sister-in-law. They will be happy to give you their opinion. And if you have several grandchildren of similar ages, try to give them all “equally”, with toys of similar characteristics (and prices) to avoid possible “upsets”.
If your grandchild is over seven or eight years old, think of a gift that is perfect for him to play or do outdoor activities. The Technological Institute of Children’s Product and Leisure ( @AIJU_Tecnologi ) collects in its new AIJU Guide 2019 -2020 a worrying data: 82% of children under 12 years of age play less time outdoors than recommended by experts (between 1 and 2 hours according to age).
Remember that psychologists insist on the importance of spending time with the little ones . Sharing a fun time with your grandson, playing with him, can be the best gift (and not only for him).
What Gift to give a granddaughter?
For girls, always taking into account their specific tastes, it can be a good idea to give away clothes and accessories. Also gifts for your room, details that promote imagination and creativity, school supplies, board games, educational games and technological devices, details that promote sports and outdoor play, books or puzzles. Stay here and we’ll tell you more.
What Gift to give a grandson?
In the case of children, sports and outdoor games are an excellent option. Clothes with movie characters that they like and details for their room with themes that they love. School supplies can also be very good for them (backpacks, cases, paintings, …). Board games, puzzles and construction games will give you hours and hours of entertainment. And, of course, details that reinforce your creativity and imagination.
How to Spend time with your Grandchildren on their First Birthday
Play board games
Playing board games is a great way to spend time with your grandchildren . It is not necessary to go to the most modern ones, Parcheesi, the game of the goose, Monopoly or even chess, they can be excellent options or you can ask them to bring one and teach you how to play it. This can even enrich the activity, as a new component will be added: the challenge of learning it from the grandparents, and the challenge of teaching the grandchildren.
This entertainment has many benefits from a neurological point of view for both adults and children. By playing all at the same time you are going to work on several important issues for both of you, such as memory, attention and concentration , as well as reasoning. At the same time, there will be a synergy of emotions that will make this moment an accumulation of good experiences, provided that the game is understood as an activity to enjoy and not with a competitive purpose.

Make puzzles
The benefits of puzzles for children are numerous, but for the elderly as well. So doing this practice together will undoubtedly be a pleasant and healthy experience in a reciprocal way.
Assembling a puzzle involves working on attention and concentration, visual-motor coordination and spatial vision. It is a way of learning to reflect, to self-control and to stimulate reasoning and even mathematical skills. In addition, puzzles can be an excuse to talk to the grandchildren about a specific topic, the one about which they are concerned, and thus increase their knowledge about it depending on what can be transmitted to them in this sense. This could be one of the best First Birthday Gifts From Grandparents.
Share a hobby
If you have a hobby like model, the model making or own a collection of unlikely objects, you can show it to your grandchildren. We will have to make them understand the work that it takes to develop a hobby or a collection and explain everything that takes time and effort. It is a pleasant way to pass the time while transmitting a series of values that will help them face life in the future , because surely our advice will be stored somewhere in their memory.

A weekend is ideal to do some manual activity with the grandchildren . Here the possibilities are very wide and it is not necessary to have a large amount of materials, since what prevails is the imagination. We can encourage them to draw us some pictures and show us their skills or get some cutouts to create paper figures. If we know how to make an origami figure, like the classic airplane or the paper boat, we can take the opportunity to show them how they are made and encourage them to try them, since they are sure to be very excited.
Painting with watercolors will probably attract your attention because it is out of the ordinary, or doing it on a surface other than paper with the appropriate paints. It is also the time to play with plasticine or we can even venture and buy eva rubber , an easy-to-use material that can be easily found in stationery stores and with which a large number of original creations can be made.
Prepare meals together
Children like to learn new things, and what gets out of the routine always. Being in the kitchen helping and sharing what they are going to eat can be a stimulating experience for everyone. Instead of making a conventional meal we can think of more elaborate dishes and even cheer ourselves up and, if we know, prepare some pastries together, since in general the little ones like sweets. At the same time, it is a good opportunity to show them some cooking trick that will serve them tomorrow.

Places to hang out
As the day is very long, if the weather is nice we can take the opportunity to go to a nearby park that has children’s spaces where the grandchildren can spend some time. But also a good alternative is to visit a special museum that is more focused on them . In Barcelona, there is the Chocolate Museum or the Big Fun Museum, and in Valencia the Albaida International Puppet Museum or the Nativity Scene and Diorama Museum, among others.
Birthday Gifts from Grandparents for your Grandchildren
1. Clothes and accessories
If you have serious doubts about birthday gifts for a 10-year-old girl (or for any other indicated date), with clothes and accessories you have everything won. I would recommend for girls a nice dress, a skirt, a striking T-shirt, etc. Even the option to change your personal appearance (temporarily), such as your hair with highlights of different colors. A detail of this style never hurts and always comes in handy. Some of the brands that little ones like the most are:
- Knock Knock
- Unequal
- Boboli
The same thing happens for children, especially in the case of clothes according to their preferences or a fashion theme. It may be a good idea to see which movies have been released lately and give away a T-shirt, sweatshirt, pajamas or even a pair of slippers with their main characters, for example.
- Marvel
- Star wars
- Disney
A type of educational t-shirt that combines augmented reality has also become fashionable, to give a touch of distinction to those who wear it. It is a “normal” shirt with a drawing that seems to be meaningless, but with a mobile application, you can go much further. If you are looking for original gifts for a 10-year-old girl and a boy , this will surely not leave anyone indifferent.
Other interesting options can be a bathrobe, a mermaid tail blanket or pajamas.
2. Gifts for Grandchildren’s Room
With this age, their room already becomes their personal space where they spend time doing different activities. Over time it will become more and more your refuge. Wherever they feel good, they keep their secrets and all their personal belongings that they consider valuable.
In this sense, it is very important that they feel comfortable in their room and that they make it their own with beautiful things and, why not, also comfortable. For this reason, if you are looking for what to give a 10-year-old girl , they can be very excited about a gift designed to make that space in which they surely spend a lot of time more comfortable and beautiful. There are many options, but here we present just a few. This is one of the apt First Birthday Gifts From Grandparents.
3. School supplies
I was always excited to go to school with cool school supplies. I still remember each time a case or backpack was released. I really wanted to take it to school and show it to my friends.
The truth, it must be said that now there are truly original and sooo beautiful things. School bags, pencil cases, diaries, pens, etc. The options are endless and they are little details that never fail as gifts for 10 year olds .
Here we just leave you a small sample, but little by little we will expand with more proposals.
4. Technology Gifts
Technology is undoubtedly one of the star gifts today, even at this young age. And it had to be on this list for it to be complete.
In this case, we are not only referring to a tablet, a camera or a bluetooth headset, but also to those toys or objects that use technology making them more attractive.
Some games that use technology are educational. We refer, for example, to a high definition planetarium to explore the universe from your room. Also to an interactive globe, with multiple options to know the countries, cities, etc. in a pleasant way. These two are sure to do great when they start studying this topic at school!
One detail that I love is the digital alarm clock to remember things. Children are often confused and it is convenient to set times for playtime. Or so that they know at a specific time they have to do their homework or study. A digital clock that reminds them that it is time to do something will help them organize and distribute their time much better.
5. Sports and outdoors
Of course, it is very important to encourage activities that involve movement and that take place outdoors. At the age of 10, boys and girls still need to burn a lot of energy, and there are lots of great details to encourage it. From a scooter, to a bicycle, to a waveboard or a game of badminton.
Yes! Remember that to make it the perfect gift, you have to make sure that the boy or girl likes a specific activity. It is of little use to give her the best bicycle on the market if she does not enjoy riding with it.
6. Recommended books
Reading should be an active part of your day to day. Although many times we do not know which book they may like when they are 10 years old. To do this, it is essential to know their tastes. From there it is a good idea to consult the lists of most read books in your nearest library or the best sellers of the last year for that age.
There are some books that are considered a hit with 10-year-old boys and girls. We are talking about sagas like Harry Potter or the Isadora Moon series.
In the first case, it is necessary to follow the order of the seven books that make up the complete story. Therefore, if you have not read it, you should never start with the first one. But NOTICE: it is a book that really hooks (I read it with 20 and could not stop, one after another), so the complete pack of seven books would be a gift. A collection that they will keep all their lives and that they will carry forever in their memory.
In the case of the Isadora Moon series, the stories of this half-fairy, half-vampire girl are told independently in each book. In this way, it is not necessary to give her one in particular. Yes, it is very convenient to find out if you have read any and which one, it is not going to be that you already have the one that we are going to give you.
Some other books that are not series or sagas and that have great success in these ages are “101 Things you should do before you grow up.” Juggle, raise butterflies, do a magic trick, etc. How many things can he cross out before he gets older? A fun and exciting way to discover new skills, hobbies and do things that have never occurred to you before.
Another best-seller is the “Goodnight Story for Rebellious Girls.” A book that aims to show children that, if they set their mind to it, they can become whatever they want. Scientists, astronauts, judges, chefs, etc. parade through its pages. In short, examples of women who dreamed big and, thanks to this, achieved dreams that for many other people could seem unattainable. They outdid themselves with boldness and determination. If they succeeded, any girl or boy can do
7. Puzzles and puzzles
Puzzles are another of the classics that you will have to consider. They are excellent for any age. It is scientifically proven that they provide very positive benefits at the emotional and mental level:
- Increases self-esteem as it raises the level of satisfaction.
- Promotes attention span.
- Improves visual memory.
- It helps us to relax, to be more orderly and constant.
- Improves strategic development and analytical skills.
- Etc.
In this case, whether or not the 10-year-old boy or girl is used to doing puzzles, or you don’t know if they attract them, it is equally recommended. It is always a good way to introduce you to this exciting world that is sure to pique your curiosity.
Here we’ve come to the conclusion of this post. I know how hard it is to pick the First Birthday Gifts From Grandparents but hope this article has helped you.